Disgusting tell each...
Sensual afirmam outros...
Sensual say other...
Sensual say other...
Estar no limbo entre o Sexo e o Amor, sem saber se usar a cabeça, o coração ou... deixar o animal libertar-se.
Being in limbo between Sex and Love, unsure whether use the head, the heart or... let the animal free.
Being in limbo between Sex and Love, unsure whether use the head, the heart or... let the animal free.
Como decidir entre...
How to decide between...
How to decide between...
Quem nos faz o coração bater com palavras gentis, abraços sensíveis, beijos petrificantes
Who makes our heart beat with kind words, tender hugs, petrifying kisses
Quem nos arrepia dos pés à cabeça com um segundo de toque húmido, um olhar quente, uma ligação por perder a virgindade sem sequer ser necessário toque?
Who makes us chills from feet until head with a second wet touch, a warm look, a connection to lose their virginity without even have the need to touch?
Who makes us chills from feet until head with a second wet touch, a warm look, a connection to lose their virginity without even have the need to touch?
Uns acreditam ser traição...
Outros divulgam ser fantasia...
Some believe is betrayal...
Others disclose be a fantasy...
Some believe is betrayal...
Others disclose be a fantasy...
Saudável puxar as cordas da imaginação ou risco por poderem ser quebradas?
Is it healthy pull the strings of imagination or is a risk because they can be broken?
(E se... querermos tudo?)
(What if... we want it all?)
(What if... we want it all?)
Futuro promissor ou desejo multi possibilitado?
Promising future or multi allowed desire?
Promising future or multi allowed desire?
Mãos entrelaçadas ou corpos apaixonados nus?
Hands clasped or naked in love bodies?
Hands clasped or naked in love bodies?
Arrepio constante ou calor penetrante?
Constant chill or penetrating heat?
Constant chill or penetrating heat?
Pensamento controlável ou perdição momentânea?
Controllable thought or momentary perdition?
Controllable thought or momentary perdition?
Uns dizem...
Some say..
Some say..
EU digo:
I say:
I say:
"Que se lixe!"
"F*ck it!"
"F*ck it!"
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